ML Zodiac Skin has become one of the most sought-after skins by Mobile Legends players. This is because these skins are considered rare and are only released once a month with a different zodiac theme. Getting them is not an easy task.
As the name suggests, each ML Zodiac skin is named after zodiac terms and is designed to closely resemble the respective zodiac signs.
It’s worth noting that these skins are only available in the Epic rank in ML. So, if you haven’t reached that rank yet, you’ll need to work hard to push your rank.
So, what are the Mobile Legends zodiac skins? Here’s the list of ML Zodiac skins along with their prices and discount information.
List of ML Zodiac Skins 2024
There are a total of 13 zodiac skins in Mobile Legends that are released one by one each month. These exclusive skins are released for 13 ML heroes. Here is the schedule for the 2024 ML Zodiac skins:
1. ML Zodiac Skin Aquarius – Aurora

The Aquarius Aurora skin is scheduled for release from January 20th to February 18th, 2024. Aurora’s passive ability can turn enemies into ice and then into water, and she also gains a Magic Power +8 bonus with the ML Zodiac skin.
2. Pisces – Lancelot

Following Aquarius Aurora is the Pisces Lancelot skin, scheduled for release from February 19th to March 20th, 2024. The Pisces zodiac skin boosts Lancelot’s Physical Attack by +8, making this Assassin hero even more formidable.
3. Aries – Hilda

The Aries Hilda zodiac skin is set to release from March 21st to April 19th, 2024. Hilda looks even cooler with two large horns on her shoulders, and her Physical Attack attribute increases by +8 when using this skin.
4. Taurus – Minotaur

After Aries Hilda comes Taurus, worn by the hero Minotaur. This Tank hero also gains +100 Max HP with the 2024 Taurus Zodiac skin, available from April 20th to May 20th.
5. Gemini Shadow – Selena

There are two versions of the Gemini zodiac skin in ML, one of which is the Gemini Shadow skin for Selena. This skin is available from May 21st to June 20th, 2024. Selena gains an additional Magic Power +8, making her a formidable opponent.
6. ML Zodiac Skin Gemini Halo – Karina

Following Selena is the Gemini Halo skin for her twin, Karina. This ML Zodiac skin also grants Karina +8 Magic Power and follows the same release schedule from May 21st to June 20th.
7. Cancer – Zhask

The Cancer zodiac skin belongs to the hero Zhask and follows Selena and Karina. Zhask transforms into a crab-like creature with a cool appearance. The 2024 Cancer Zodiac skin for Zhask is available from June 21st to July 22nd and grants him an additional 8 Magic Power points.
8. ML Zodiac Skin Leo – Badang

Following Cancer Zhask is the Leo Zodiac skin for Badang. This Fighter hero looks even more savage with golden armor on his arms. Badang gains +8 Physical Attack with the Leo Zodiac skin, available from July 23rd to August 22nd, 2024.
9. Virgo – Odette

The Virgo zodiac skin is designed for the hero Odette and comes after Badang. This skin is available from August 21st to September 22nd, 2024. Like other skins, Odette gains +8 Magic Power with the Virgo Zodiac skin.
10. Libra – Lunox

After Odette comes the Libra Zodiac skin for the hero Lunox. This skin is available from September 23rd to October 22nd, 2024. Lunox gains +8 Magic Power with the Libra Zodiac skin and looks even more elegant with two golden and blue wings.
11. Scorpio – Helcurt

The Scorpio Zodiac skin belongs to the hero Helcurt and is available from October 23rd to November 21st, 2024. This skin increases Helcurt’s Physical Attack by +8 points. Helcurt can obstruct the vision of enemy heroes with his Dark Night Falls skill and greatly increase his Movement Speed.
12. ML Zodiac Skin Sagittarius – Irithel

Following Helcurt is the Sagittarius Zodiac skin for Irithel. The 2024 Sagittarius Zodiac skin is available from November 22nd to December 21st. Irithel becomes stronger with an additional +8 Physical Attack attribute from the Sagittarius skin.
13. Capricorn – Martis

The Capricorn skin for Martis comes after Irithel. Martis looks even cooler with two horns on his head in the Capricorn Zodiac skin. This skin is available from December 22nd to January 19th and adds +8 Physical Attack to Martis.
Price and How to Get ML Zodiac Skins
Zodiac skins are known to be quite challenging and expensive to obtain. To get an ML Zodiac skin, you need to perform a Summon 1X with 20 Crystal of Aurora (COA) or Diamonds, or do a Summon 5X with 100 COA or Diamonds.
With each summon, you will receive 1-5 Star Power, and there’s even a chance to get 100 Star Power directly. You will acquire the Zodiac skin once you have accumulated 100 Star Power.
It is estimated that you will need around 1,000 to 2,000 COA or Diamonds to obtain the 2023 ML Zodiac skin. There are several ways to obtain COA, including top-up rewards from the Weekly Diamond Pass and subscribing to the Weekly Elite Bundle or Monthly Epic Bundle.
The subscription cost for COA is Rp99,000 per month, while the weekly subscription is Rp29,000. Regardless of the type of subscription, you will receive 35 COA per day, which adds up to approximately 1050 COA per month, enough to obtain a Zodiac skin.
When Are ML Zodiac Skins Discounted?
It’s important to note that Zodiac skins cannot be purchased freely as they are part of limited-time draw events. These events typically last for one month.
To purchase them, you need to use a significant amount of COA. Make sure to buy ML Zodiac skins between the 24th and 30th of the month, as MOONTON often offers discounts at the end of the month.
For example, the Sagittarius Irithel Zodiac skin is currently discounted by 30%, costing 14 COA or Diamonds for a Summon 1X and 70 COA or Diamonds for a Summon 5X. It’s quite enticing, isn’t it? Hurry and take advantage of the ML Zodiac skin discounts!
That’s the rundown of the 2024 ML Zodiac skin schedule, details, prices, and discount information. These skins may be expensive, but there are even more costly skins in ML. Are you interested in collecting them all?
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