With the highly anticipated global launch of Honor of Kings set for June 20th, players worldwide are gearing up to battle it out in the fantastical MOBA arena. But before you unleash your skills on the battlefield, why not craft the best Honor of Kings nicknames to strike fear (or laughter) into the hearts of your opponents?
The Best Honor of Kings Nicknames Based on Roles

Now, back to creating the killer Honor of Kings nicknames! Let your chosen handle showcase your strengths. Are you a master assassin who thrives in the shadows? A tank who fearlessly leads the charge?
Here are best Honor of Kings nicknames based on playstyle.
Honor of Kings Nicknames for Assassins
- GhostlyReaper
- SilentStrike
- Bushwhacker
- GankMachine
- FlickerSnipe
- ShadowDance
- CritAssassin
- JungleTerror
- Backstabber
- BlinkStrike
- DeathMark
- GankGod/Goddess
- LastWhisper
- BladeStorm
- SilentEliminator
Honor of Kings Nicknames for Mages and Spellcasters
- ArcaneAnnihilator
- ManaBurner
- SpellStorm
- OneShotWonder
- BurstKing/Queen
- ArcaneDominator
- PokeMaster
- ComboKing/Queen
- ManaMutant
- BlueBuffBandit
- ZoneControl
- DeathByDisco
- UltimateUnleasher
- BurstMachine
- SpellSlinger
Best Nicknames for the Honor of Kings Marksmen
- CritMaster
- HeadshotHero
- CarryClutch
- TowerMelter
- PentaPup
- CritShower
- HeadshotHunter
- TowerDestroyer
- CarryLegend
- PentaAchiever
- KitingKing/Queen
- LifestealLeech
- ScopeSnipe
- AutoAttackAce
- LaneDominator
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Tanks Approppriate Nicknames in Honor of Kings
- UnbreakableWall
- FrontlineForcefield
- EngageEmperor/Empress
- CCNightmare
- ShieldOfTheWeak
- ImmortalWall
- CrowdControlChaos
- Royal EngageEmperor/Empress
- Vanguard
- ShieldBearer
- FrontlineFiend
- Initiator
- TankyTaunt
- UnbreakableSpirit
- ThornmailTerror
Honor of Kings Nicknames for Supports
- VisionaryHealer
- BuffDaddy/Mommy
- VisionMastermind
- RoamingRedeemer
- PokeProtector
- WardLord/Lady
- ManaManager
- CCEnchanter
- PeelProtector
- ObjectiveObsessed
- MacroMaestro/Maestra
- Benevolent BuffBot
- GankEnabler
- SynergySpecialist
- AlwaysAssist
Best Honor of Kings Nicknames Inspired by Champions

Honor of Kings boasts a diverse roster of heroes. They are diversely sourced from different cultures across the world. You’ll have a great time reading the best Honor of Kings nicknames on this list. Bring out the essence of your favorite champion with a nickname that supports their own backstories.
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- CrimsonSpear
- DragonDescendant
- BloomingBlossom
- ZephyrDancer
- StormChaser
- SilentSwoop
- EagleEye
- SpiritGuardian
- FeatherFury
Li Bai:
- SwordFlash
- CloudWalker
- BaiHu
Diao Chan:
- MesmerizingMirage
- MoonlitMelody
- DanceOfDeception
Lu Bu:
- SpearOfChaos
- GodOfWar
- UnstoppableFury
Zhuge Liang:
- StrategistSupreme
- StargazingSage
- FanMaster
- FoxfireFury
- NineTailedTemptress
- CharmcasterChaos
Shangguan Wan’er:
- InkStorm
- BrushstrokeBrilliance
- DancingInk
Marco Polo:
- VoyagerOfValor
- GoldenCompass
- SilkRoadSharpshooter
Sun Shangxiang:
- FirecrackerPrincess
- BlossomingBomber
- ExplosiveEmpress
Baili Shouyue:
- SnipeMaster
- HawkeyeHero
- SilentSentinel
Gongsun Li:
- UmbrellaAssassin
- PapercutPeril
- DancingDrizzle
Yu Ji:
- MoonlitMarksman
- LunarLament
- JadeArcher
- Lionheart
- Excalibur
- HolyPaladin
Lighthearted and Funny Honor of Kings Nicknames

Laughter is a powerful weapon. A funny nickname can make your opponents unaware of your true potential and create a more relaxed atmosphere. Here’s where you can create the best Honor of Kings nicknames but with a touch of irony.
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General Honor of Kings Funny Nicknames
- NoobSlayer9000 (Classic callback from Marvel)
- AFKChampion (if you have a…unique playstyle)
- PushTowerPls (encourages objective play)
- JunglerOfJustice (a self-proclaimed guardian of the jungle)
- BronzeButGrowing (confidence is key!)
- PhoneFlinger (perfect for mobile gamers)
- SnackTimeSlayer (those in-game hunger pangs are real)
- CatKeyboardCombo (when your feline friend decides to join the game)
- ProcrastinatorPro (because who needs sleep when there’s Honor of Kings?)
- AFKChampionSupreme (you’ve truly mastered the art of going AFK)
- ThePingSpammer (they have a finger permanently on the ping button)
- TheChatChampion (they spend more time typing than playing)
- TheFashionDisaster (their in-game fashion choices are questionable)
- TheEmoteKing/Queen (they love spamming emotes)
- TheComebackKing/Queen (they have a knack for pulling off epic comebacks)
Assassin’s Funny Honor of Kings Nicknames
- Gankenstein (parody of Frankenstein)
- KeyboardWarrior (playful self-deprecation)
- Ulti-Mistake (embrace those accidental ultimates)
- BoxOfBlades (a literal box overflowing with pointy objects)
- AccidentalAFK (you meant to gank, but got distracted by a cat)
- BlinkyMcStabby (plays on the Blink skill and their love for stabbing)
- BoxcutterBob (a more mundane version of BoxOfBlades)
- UltiOops (a shorter and catchier version of Ulti-Mistake)
- TheADCarryWhisperer (they have a knack for taking down enemy carries)
- GankGoneWrong (because sometimes ganks just don’t go according to plan)
Funny and Best Nicknames for Mages in Honor of Kings
- CtrlAltDelete (because your spells are so devastating)
- ButtonMasher (owning the “spam abilities” stereotype)
- AccidentalPenta (you surprised yourself with that kill streak)
- LagSpikesAndSnipes (when your internet connection becomes your secret weapon)
- OOMForever (always running out of mana)
- FingerFatigue (from all that button mashing)
- TheBlueBuffBandit (a more lighthearted version)
- AccidentalSupport (their ultimate accidentally heals the enemy team)
- LagLord/Lady (blaming lag for all those missed spells)
- TheOOMGremlin (a mischievous creature who steals all your mana)
Funniest Nicknames for Marksmen in Honor of Kings
- TowerTickler (because your aim needs some work)
- MinionMagnet (you seem to attract enemy minions)
- KDAKing (but only the Assists count)
- FlashInThePan (you shine brightly, but briefly)
- DecoyMagnet (the enemy always seems to target you first)
- MinionMassacre (they excel at clearing minion waves, maybe a little too much)
- TheTowerDestroyerWannabe (they dream of being a tower-destroying pro)
- ThePentaPretender (they constantly strive for that elusive pentakill)
- TheCritConfusion (they’re never quite sure where their critical hits come from)
- TheBushcamper (they excel at the art of surprise attacks from bushes)
Funny and Best Honor of Kings Nicknames for Tanks
- ImpregnableButImpatient (always charging in before the team)
- CC-Catcher (you collect crowd control effects like trophies)
- ShieldHeroWannabe (inspired by the anime)
- AccidentalKSP (you accidentally steal the kill with your ultimate)
- FeedMeMore (a playful plea for support from teammates)
- TheIntingShield (they unintentionally feed kills to the enemy)
- TheCCPincushion (they collect crowd control effects like pins on a cushion)
- TheAccidentalBaron (they accidentally steal the Baron Nashor kill)
- TheFeedMeFiesta (they throw a party every time they get a kill)
- TheSupportShield (they are constantly trying to protect their squishy support)
Funny Honor of Kings Nicknames for Supports
- HealBot5000 (a helpful, but slightly robotic, healer)
- VisionaryButBlind (you ward everywhere, but miss the obvious)
- BuffoonOfBattle (a supportive goofball)
- AlwaysOnThinIce (constantly at low health)
- AccidentalStealer (you accidentally steal jungle farm)
- TheHealGrenade (they chuck healing spells at teammates)
- TheWardWhisperer (they talk to the wards, maybe a little too much)
- TheAccidentalCarry (they accidentally become the team’s carry)
- TheAFKDetector (they have a sixth sense for when teammates go AFK)
- TheJunglerSnatcher (they love stealing farm from the jungler)
Tips and Tricks for Crafting the Best HoK Nicknames

Crafting the best HoK nicknames requires you to be a little crafty. Here are some tips and tricks inspired by online resources like Fantasy Name Generator and Nickfinder
- Keep it short and sweet: A long nickname can be cumbersome and make it difficult for other players to remember. Look for something catchy and memorable that can be easily typed and pronounced.
- Numbers and symbols sparingly: While a few numbers or symbols can add flair (like Xxx_SnipeMaster_xxX), an excess like that can look cluttered and unprofessional if you’re aiming to be a pro!
- Check availability: Before getting attached to a nickname, make sure that it’s free on the servers. A quick check during pre-registration can save you the disappointment later on.
- Consider cultural impact: If you’re playing on a global server, be mindful of potential cultural misunderstandings. Avoid nicknames that might be offensive in certain regions.
- Let your personality in on the name Don’t be afraid to express your uniqueness. Whether it’s a serious callout that reflects your interests or a lighthearted nickname that brings a smile to your teammates’ faces, make it your own.
The Inspiration Vault: Nickname Generators and Resources
Still feeling stuck? Here are some online resources to get your creativity going and help you create the best HoK nicknames:
- Nickname Generators: Online tools like Fantasy Name Generators and Nickfinder can provide ideas for the best Honor of Kings nicknames. Experiment with different keywords related to Honor of Kings, your favorite heroes, or your playstyle.
- Streaming Platforms: You can browse and look for the best Honor of Kings nicknames in leaderboards and pro player profiles on platforms like YouTube or Twitch for inspiration. See what nicknames resonate with you and adapt them to your own style.
- Community Forums: Engage with other Honor of Kings players on forums like Reddit or official Honor of Kings communities to find cool nicknames and share your own creations.
That’s all the best Honor of Kings nicknames to get you started and going in the game! Remember, your nickname is a part of your identity in the Honor of Kings realm. Choose wisely and don’t forget to pre-register to claim your rewards!